Data - from "new oil" to mean to unlock social good

07 Nov 2019


Who has the data? Mainly private actors.

What they use them for? To increase their bottom line.

Does society as a whole benefit from it? Barely (and I’m being optimistic).

Could society benefit from unlocking currently private-held data? Most definitely yes.

Following my post on the Undivided Attention blog, I was suggested an article by Alberto Alemanno - Unlocking Privately-Held Data to the Benefit of the Many.

In the text the author captures very well the dire status we are in, with our data being owned by a limited bunch of global companies, individuals lacking agency to face them and governments not really focused on untapping the value our data have for social goods.

Few noteworthy points from the article:

PS: if you want to better understand how the EU works, I can only recommend Alberto Alemanno’s MOOC Understanding Europe: Why It Matters and What It Can Offer You